Dr. Petrauskas has had a passion for animals and their care since she was a young child. She would often play “veterinarian” on her various pets, and that dream later became a reality. She graduated from Louisiana State with her Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine in 2013 and has practiced general medicine and ER medicine in Connecticut and Las Vegas. Dr. Petrauskas’s interests include emergency medicine, surgery, and treating exotics and pocket pets. She works with the FACT ferret shelter in Hartford, as well as wildlife rescue. She enjoys the challenges of treating a variety of animals, as well as canine and feline patients. In her spare time, her hobbies include drawing, hiking with her two dogs, and the never-ending pursuit of knowledge. She has a rescued mink (non-releasable), several ferrets, two snakes, several tarantulas, as well as farmyard chickens and turkeys. Dr. Petrauskas is an individual who is always looking to expand her knowledge of the field of veterinary medicine and is devoted to helping animals in need.